school: latin, ship: princess, school: photography, mad skillz: gardening, photos, extracurric: rangers, rpgs: digital_dive, extracurric: dancing, life: insecure caryl is insecure

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  • Last wasted study ever

    starshone_storm Nov 11, 2008 11:48

    Heh, I came down here to grab a scholarship music folio from last year to ogle, and Ms. Sutherland looked at me and started laughing because she'd just gotten a card from Emily saying "we'll pop in and see you, and we'll find Caryl lurking around the music department ( Read more... )

    form class, school, school: latin, school: photography, mad skillz: awards, science, school: music

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    starshone_storm Nov 10, 2008 17:36

    Photos of folio!

    Yes, flautists, you may laugh at how she is holding the flute. Just because I date flautists doesn't mean I know how to play. :[

    (Artist models: iPod ads and a Rogue Traders website layout.)

    EDIT: Huh. Getting a prize at final assembly tomorrow ( Read more... )

    school: photography, school: photography: folio, photos

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  • Set Sail for Flail

    starshone_storm Nov 08, 2008 00:08

  • Anyone want mint leaves? Kou needs a trim and my family doesn't cook anything with mint.
  • Handed in my folio three hours late. I hope they still take it and that I pass. D: I envy the girls who had friends sticking down their photos while they worked on their last board. o.o;
  • So now the next thing I have to flail about is my music schol folio. ( Read more... )

    extracurric: girl guides, lj: sorry for crosspost, school: photography, school: music, school: photography: folio, orchestra

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  • (Untitled)

    starshone_storm Oct 27, 2008 17:52

    I really just need a fastforward to December 4th.

    No one, and I mean no one, is allowed to tell me how many days it is to exams or anything. This isn't up for negotiation.

    school: latin, school: university, school: photography

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    starshone_storm Sep 26, 2008 19:01

  • I am so epically glad the bus strikes are over. Even if getting a ride with Nicky yesterday morning means that I was on time for choir for once in my life. :P
  • I really hate validating code now that everything and your mom is deprecated.
  • It's starting to disturb me how little of my conversation is original. I was muttering "RAGE, RAGE" at my ( Read more... )

    media studies, life: coming out, school: photography, school: music, lj: memes, life: current events, orchestra

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  • Rocks rock

    starshone_storm Jul 30, 2008 21:17

    Oh god I have stuff to catch up on in science and music, a media miniproject due Friday (or Monday or Tuesday considering I have a late start), and should have started my photography folio (more on this). D: But it's really good to be back in Wellington's crappy weather. ♥ Even if right off the bat I had Ms. Ragget giving me crap about not telling ( Read more... )

    fandom: torchwood, school: english, media studies, school: photography, school: music

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  • Ever get that feeling you may be getting in over your head?

    starshone_storm Jun 07, 2008 21:53

    I am a total failure as a nerd. ( Cut for geek speak. )

    movies, school: photography, film, hot people, media studies, extracurric: choir: choral fest, extracurric: choir, fandom: digimon

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  • I have a lot of music to listen to and what feels like no time to listen to it

    starshone_storm May 13, 2008 22:10

    My flash phone that thought it was a PDA is in Auckland for servicing. Someone programmed it geniusly so that once the message memory got full, you couldn't do anything with it. Including clear your messages. Nice going, Nokia. So I'm back to my tiny phone that knows well how behind the times it is (infrared? what is that?), but has character. By ( Read more... )

    fandom: harry potter, school: photography, mad skillz: awards, science, friends: chris, tech: cellphone, film, guiding, media studies, orchestra

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